Out of sequence

Having set myself a deadline for completing the five hieke  I have had to accept that I am not going to get them done if I stick strictly to the ‘order’ I had decided I wanted to do them in.



The fourth in the series is going to be green.  Although I have made several hundred green hukahuka for this hieke, I do not have enough.

I need to harvest some more of the right type of harakeke  that is going to allow me to prepare several hundred more and complete the hieke.



I have the material on hand to start work on the last in the series, however I don’t really want to let on what this one is going to look like. So I have decided to take black and white photos of my work as I progress. Then I can the leave the real reveal until it is completed.


I have cast on and started the first row of Hieke number five and will continue to work on this until I have all the material ready for the other hieke.
Hopefully this will mean I can successfully complete all five by my deadline.

There are of course one or two raranga projects I also want to complete over the next couple of months.

I have plenty to keep my busy.



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