With a little help

Finally a another post about the last in the series of hieke.

Completing this has been very special.  I have had the assistance of my five year old granddaughter, who is very enthusiastic.  When she discovered it was to be for her Dad she wanted to be involved in everything that still needed to be done.

Together we added in the last row of hukahuka.

Then she entertained me with stories and songs and a constant stream of conversation.



She helped me with the finishing off at the top and then waited patiently for me to do the rest so that she could thread the tie through the top.

I taught her how to lash the ends of the tie and she was delighted with how good her handy work  looked.



I was allowed to take her photo as she stood next to the completed hieke, however the full reveal had to wait until after her Dad had been presented with his special gift.


It’s been a busy time for her Dad.  The family has moved cities and he has been working on getting their new home ready to move into.  He has started a new job.  He also became a New Zealand Citizen at a special ceremony held at Te Papa on the same day as his birthday.

Beth planned a ceremony to present the hieke to her Dad (our newest Kiwi citizen), which we held on a ‘Fish ‘n Chip Friday’ at Island Bay.  The ceremony concluded with the singing of a waiata that she chose especially with the two babies who were present in mind.
It was a lovely family evening.


TeWaonui aTāne
Te Waonui a Tāne


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